Testimonial 10
“What a difference it makes to have an expert broker like Prevail on our team. We had been with our insurance carrier 8 years and thought we had a good deal. Prevail’s recommendations allowed us to achieve a 36% premium reduction and positioned us with a much better partner for the future.”
Physician Leader
OB/GYN Group, Santa Monica, CA
Testimonial 9
“As the CEO for a large OB/GYN office, I felt that I was able to “get the best pricing” from our medical malpractice insurance carrier. When the time came to renew our malpractice coverage this year, I turned to Prevail. I am pleased to share that Prevail was able to reduce our overall costs for our medical malpractice insurance by 22%”
OB/GYN Group, Bakersfield, CA
Testimonial 8
“Knowing that I can call upon Prevail at any time is extremely invaluable. Prevail has a wealth of knowledge, training, and insight; they are more than just my insurance broker. I would recommend Prevail, without reservation, to any of my colleagues who are looking to save some money and need a credible resource.”
OB/GYN Group Bakersfield, CA
Testimonial 7
"The team at Prevail prepared an easy-to-understand, side-by-side comparison, thoroughly explained all the details and helped us arrive at a solution that was the best fit for our particular needs. "
CEO, Surgical Group in the Bay Area
Testimonial 6
“Making the move to Prevail was one of our best insurance decisions ever. I have been impressed with their broad understanding of healthcare... along with their specialized expertise in malpractice insurance. Regardless of your insurance situation, I would recommend working with Prevail.”
CEO, Ear, Nose & Throat Group
Sacramento, CA
Testimonial 1
“Prevail’s team are my go-to experts for insurance matters. They help me get the best rates, provide excellent service and advice, and they are a very strong advocate for my needs. The help me stay focused on my patients.”
Physician Leader
Radiology Group, San Francisco, CA
Testimonial 2
“Prevail worked tirelessly to assure that we received the best and most competitive malpractice insurance coverage for our practice of over 100 physicians. As a growing practice, we needed a highly specialized broker that understands the healthcare industry. We found that with Prevail. “
Surgical Group in the Bay Area
Testimonial 3
When we first met the team at Prevail, we were satisfied with our Malpractice Insurance costs but we decided to have them analyzed as a precautionary exercise. The experts at Prevail walked us through the steps and prepared a thorough comparative analysis. Once we saw the rates they could negotiate and the improved coverage, we wondered why we took so long to engage them!
President, Urology Group
San Francisco Bay Area
Testimonial 5
“I had always felt that somehow our group could do better with our malpractice insurance premiums, but no one was ever able to produce any significant results. Prevail changed all that. Making the change to Prevail and following their advice saved our group over 34% the first year and 40% in the following year, plus they save us the time and hassle of dealing with the insurance matters ourselves.”
Physician Leader & CEO
Pathology Group, Sacramento, CA